Think of this email message as a training… a coaching session.
Decide what is enough.
This weekend, I was jamming with my dearest friend about weight loss.
I recently transcended some habits that were a great source of insecurity for me and as a result, I’m having to think about my body in whole new way.
My friend is also on a journey of body transformation and so in our talks this question surfaced:
What is enough?
Once you clearly outline, declare, and uncover what enough is in any part of your life, and you start to live in accordance with your own internal enoughness gauge, you will create the reality of your dreams.
For years, I have preached all the answers are within you and your job is to keep digging until you find a solution from within.
Spiritual practice, motivational and inspirational messages, coaching sessions, personal development workshops, intuitive readings, therapy, and other healing modalities are designed to help you do the digging so you can determine "what is enough" for you.
As my friend and I pondered “what is enough” in the area of diet and exercise, I found myself struggling to come up with specific answers. Everything was a jumble of philosophies… some my own and some clearly constructs of my upbringing and what I’ve heard in the world.
The light bulb moment came when I realized that I was struggling to determine “what is enough” because I had yet to determine what I soulfully believe is right for me.
Think of it this way:
If you were playing a game but you didn’t know what it would take to win that game, would you be successful? NO.
Or if you were playing a game, but operating under the rules of a different game, would you be success? NO.
Instead of beating yourself up for not hitting the mark or winning in a particular area of your life, take the opportunity to explore:
What are the rules of my game (not your family or society)?
How do I win based on my own truth and understanding?
When I asked my friend what was enough to her body, she could clearly articulate the exact way she needed eat to win at HER game!
Her words were not a regurgitation of what someone else had told her to do, they came from her authentic truth and I could intuitively feel the Light behind them. (It gave me chills.)
My friend has spent most of her adulthood researching and trying various diets, so in that moment, her intellect connected with her intuition.
I believe when you connect your intellect and intuition, you can cure, solve, and overcome any problem.
When you connect your intellect and intuition you call all your power back.
When you connect your intellect and intuition you become unstoppable.
I think this is the goal of being human right now: Clearly and concisely state what you need to win in every area of your life and do everything in your power to play your own game.
So, before you judge yourself or someone else as bad or wrong… or a “loser,” ask yourself: What is enough in this situation?
Keep it simple and only factor in the yearnings of your soul.
Your soul is the merging of your intellect and intuition.
Your soul doesn't think: "I can't."
Then ask: Am I honoring and following through on what is enough for me in this situation?
Keep your answer to one or two specific sentences.
If you’re struggling, breathe and put your hand over your heart and receive the answer from your soul.
Don’t try to answer the question perfectly. Follow your heart.
Write a rough draft of all the thoughts in your mind and then identify what is most in alignment with who you really are.
Again, be incredibly specific AND spiritual.
As you answer the questions below, aim for what you truly desire in this lifetime. Do not settle because you think you can’t have what you want.
What is enough in your career?
What is enough in your day-to-day/week-to-week/month-to-month work?
What is enough in your home?
What is enough in your romantic relationships?
What is enough in your friendships?
What is enough in your family life?
What is enough in your finances (earning, spending, saving, legacy)? *There are many aspects of personal finance, so you may want to break this down into categories.
What is enough in your health and wellness?
What is enough in your diet and exercise?
What is enough in your self-care (grooming, hygiene, sleep, appearance)?
These are just a few questions to get you started, but use the question for any situation in your life: What is enough?
You’ll be amazed that once you define "what is enough," you will take full control of your life. You will have direction. You will have a foundation that you can build upon. You will have an aim for your manifesting power.
Now, it is imperative that you use both your intellect and intuition as you answer these questions. Blend the science and the spiritual. Do your own research both internally and externally. And wait until you feel a click. An a-ha. A “this is it!”
Notice when lack and scarcity thinking is distorting your perspective. (Lack and scarcity only exist if you believe they exist.)
Also notice when your fear of not getting what you want is influencing your decision making. This is when you’ll settle or compromise.
And particularly notice when you may be taking on a perspective passed down to you from your family. There is nothing wrong with honoring the rules and philosophies of your childhood if they truly work and support your lifestyle.
However, if they are a source of judgement, guilt, or shame then they do not serve you well. (The brain thinks guilt is a reward, so be mindful.)
Lastly, I know some of you are saying: “But Amy, I know what to do but I still don’t do it.”
You don’t do what is enough because either you don’t love yourself OR you have a victimhood mindset which you picked up from someone during childhood.
Here’s what’s so amazing… you can learn to love yourself and reprogram yourself out of victim-thinking.
And even more amazing, you can save yourself a lot of struggle if you’d just start being your authentic self. Not the self you’ve convinced yourself that you are.
Be your real, powerful, dynamic, brilliant, hella smart self. (You know how it feels when you’re in your genius. *wink*)
I hope you find this training helpful. I feel like I can go even further into this topic of “what is enough” so I will continue this discussion on my podcast this week. Check my website under “radio” to listen.
Thank you for showing up.
Ready to live the life of your dreams?
Purchase the 12-Session Intuitive Coaching package.
12 sessions to use as you please over 90 days...
Step into your Divine freedom.
Transform your mind to only see abundance.
Start your passion business.
Land a job you love.
Increase your net worth.
Meet the romantic partner you’ve been seeking.
Create your ideal body.
Write and publish books.
Help the planet at the highest level.
Expand your manifesting abilities.
Develop your rich intuition.
Reach your biggest, juiciest, most “impossible” goal.
Start today.
Decide what is enough.
This weekend, I was jamming with my dearest friend about weight loss.
I recently transcended some habits that were a great source of insecurity for me and as a result, I’m having to think about my body in whole new way.
My friend is also on a journey of body transformation and so in our talks this question surfaced:
What is enough?
Once you clearly outline, declare, and uncover what enough is in any part of your life, and you start to live in accordance with your own internal enoughness gauge, you will create the reality of your dreams.
For years, I have preached all the answers are within you and your job is to keep digging until you find a solution from within.
Spiritual practice, motivational and inspirational messages, coaching sessions, personal development workshops, intuitive readings, therapy, and other healing modalities are designed to help you do the digging so you can determine "what is enough" for you.
As my friend and I pondered “what is enough” in the area of diet and exercise, I found myself struggling to come up with specific answers. Everything was a jumble of philosophies… some my own and some clearly constructs of my upbringing and what I’ve heard in the world.
The light bulb moment came when I realized that I was struggling to determine “what is enough” because I had yet to determine what I soulfully believe is right for me.
Think of it this way:
If you were playing a game but you didn’t know what it would take to win that game, would you be successful? NO.
Or if you were playing a game, but operating under the rules of a different game, would you be success? NO.
Instead of beating yourself up for not hitting the mark or winning in a particular area of your life, take the opportunity to explore:
What are the rules of my game (not your family or society)?
How do I win based on my own truth and understanding?
When I asked my friend what was enough to her body, she could clearly articulate the exact way she needed eat to win at HER game!
Her words were not a regurgitation of what someone else had told her to do, they came from her authentic truth and I could intuitively feel the Light behind them. (It gave me chills.)
My friend has spent most of her adulthood researching and trying various diets, so in that moment, her intellect connected with her intuition.
I believe when you connect your intellect and intuition, you can cure, solve, and overcome any problem.
When you connect your intellect and intuition you call all your power back.
When you connect your intellect and intuition you become unstoppable.
I think this is the goal of being human right now: Clearly and concisely state what you need to win in every area of your life and do everything in your power to play your own game.
So, before you judge yourself or someone else as bad or wrong… or a “loser,” ask yourself: What is enough in this situation?
Keep it simple and only factor in the yearnings of your soul.
Your soul is the merging of your intellect and intuition.
Your soul doesn't think: "I can't."
Then ask: Am I honoring and following through on what is enough for me in this situation?
Keep your answer to one or two specific sentences.
If you’re struggling, breathe and put your hand over your heart and receive the answer from your soul.
Don’t try to answer the question perfectly. Follow your heart.
Write a rough draft of all the thoughts in your mind and then identify what is most in alignment with who you really are.
Again, be incredibly specific AND spiritual.
As you answer the questions below, aim for what you truly desire in this lifetime. Do not settle because you think you can’t have what you want.
What is enough in your career?
What is enough in your day-to-day/week-to-week/month-to-month work?
What is enough in your home?
What is enough in your romantic relationships?
What is enough in your friendships?
What is enough in your family life?
What is enough in your finances (earning, spending, saving, legacy)? *There are many aspects of personal finance, so you may want to break this down into categories.
What is enough in your health and wellness?
What is enough in your diet and exercise?
What is enough in your self-care (grooming, hygiene, sleep, appearance)?
These are just a few questions to get you started, but use the question for any situation in your life: What is enough?
You’ll be amazed that once you define "what is enough," you will take full control of your life. You will have direction. You will have a foundation that you can build upon. You will have an aim for your manifesting power.
Now, it is imperative that you use both your intellect and intuition as you answer these questions. Blend the science and the spiritual. Do your own research both internally and externally. And wait until you feel a click. An a-ha. A “this is it!”
Notice when lack and scarcity thinking is distorting your perspective. (Lack and scarcity only exist if you believe they exist.)
Also notice when your fear of not getting what you want is influencing your decision making. This is when you’ll settle or compromise.
And particularly notice when you may be taking on a perspective passed down to you from your family. There is nothing wrong with honoring the rules and philosophies of your childhood if they truly work and support your lifestyle.
However, if they are a source of judgement, guilt, or shame then they do not serve you well. (The brain thinks guilt is a reward, so be mindful.)
Lastly, I know some of you are saying: “But Amy, I know what to do but I still don’t do it.”
You don’t do what is enough because either you don’t love yourself OR you have a victimhood mindset which you picked up from someone during childhood.
Here’s what’s so amazing… you can learn to love yourself and reprogram yourself out of victim-thinking.
And even more amazing, you can save yourself a lot of struggle if you’d just start being your authentic self. Not the self you’ve convinced yourself that you are.
Be your real, powerful, dynamic, brilliant, hella smart self. (You know how it feels when you’re in your genius. *wink*)
I hope you find this training helpful. I feel like I can go even further into this topic of “what is enough” so I will continue this discussion on my podcast this week. Check my website under “radio” to listen.
Thank you for showing up.
Ready to live the life of your dreams?
Purchase the 12-Session Intuitive Coaching package.
12 sessions to use as you please over 90 days...
Step into your Divine freedom.
Transform your mind to only see abundance.
Start your passion business.
Land a job you love.
Increase your net worth.
Meet the romantic partner you’ve been seeking.
Create your ideal body.
Write and publish books.
Help the planet at the highest level.
Expand your manifesting abilities.
Develop your rich intuition.
Reach your biggest, juiciest, most “impossible” goal.
Start today.