1. Ask for what you want with confidence and positive expectancy. And keep asking and asking and asking until YOU believe you can have what you want. Your belief is what opens doors. Write down your desires daily. Specifically. And explore and release any belief or thought or feeling that does not align with your vision.
2. Trust your intuition to guide your steps. If you get a “hit” just do it. Spirit doesn’t show you the full picture in the moment, so just trust you are being guided. Act without delay or questioning. And accept that you have no idea how your desire will manifest. It is not your job to know. Your job is to honor the intuitive “hits” by taking action. (And self-work is a form of action.)
3. Replace the need for outside approval with the belief that your desires have been on your heart for a reason. Your desires are of God. They are meant for you. The need for outside approval will diminish when you fully trust that your purpose for being here is to live your wildest, happiest, most glorious dream. Your desires are your calling. Want a deeply fulfilling romantic partnership? That’s your calling. Want a seven-figure business? That is your calling. Want to make the NY Times Bestseller List? That’s your calling. Want to feel healthy and fit? That's your calling. Step into the vibration of your calling.
4. Make decisions from a peaceful place within you. Wait until you feel peaceful. Fear-based decisions lead to a long and arduous journey. But please know, you can always switch out of fear by using the 3 steps above: get clear, follow your intuition, trust your calling.
5. Establish clear boundaries and standards for yourself. Know what is acceptable to you. Know what matters most to you. Know who you are. Believe in your impossible dream. And then, holding firm to your boundaries and standards becomes easier and automatic.
(Note: You may have to increase your self-esteem so you value yourself enough to hold firm to your boundaries and standards.)
6. Bravely move forward. Waiting for perfect circumstances never works. Waiting for others to feel good about what you’re doing never works. Just get moving. If you trust your feelings and your intuitive hits, you will figure it out as you go. Taking consistent action can help you get clear about what you want. It can help you refine your desire. It can also help you uncover opportunities that you did not know were available to you.
7. Stop making excuses. Period. Affirm: I will do whatever it takes to get what I want. I will do whatever it takes to get what I want. I will do whatever it takes to get what I want. And note: “whatever it takes” is rarely as difficult or challenging as you initially think.
8. Release the past. Cut ties with the past. Clear the energetic hold the past has on you. Celebrate your future now. Affirm: The past no longer has power over me. It no longer exists. You can always use the past as a reference or information to help you decide what you want, but it is never an indicator of how your future will go. Living in the past, stops your growth.
9. Find your way into true happiness. It may be a journey but you are worth it. Be willing to make some hard decisions. Be willing to try a new way. Be willing to be embarrassed, at times. Be willing to upgrade your perspective. Be willing to suspend the need for instant gratification. Be willing to stick with it until you get it right. You are worth it. True happiness will be yours. Affirm: I allow myself to feel true happiness.
10. Decide to believe: I am worthy. I am deserving. I am valuable. God is the source of my supply. I am always supported by God. I am loved by God. I get to have everything I desire. I am more than enough. I am powerful. I am a good person. I get to do good in the world by following my dreams. *Sub-out "God" for a word that works for you.
Special note: Repeat affirmations over and over again, with a high energy, until they take hold in your consciousness. Everyone is different so be willing to use your intuition to guide you. You will feel your energy rise and that's your sign your affirmations are working.
Thank you.
Book an Intuitive Coaching Session for the weekend.
I am here for you this weekend.
If you would like to schedule a session for today or the weekend, respond to this email to set-up a time and submit payment either using your special link or you can submit payment here.
Your next level awaits. Explore if the Massive Result Intuitive Coaching Package is right for you.
2. Trust your intuition to guide your steps. If you get a “hit” just do it. Spirit doesn’t show you the full picture in the moment, so just trust you are being guided. Act without delay or questioning. And accept that you have no idea how your desire will manifest. It is not your job to know. Your job is to honor the intuitive “hits” by taking action. (And self-work is a form of action.)
3. Replace the need for outside approval with the belief that your desires have been on your heart for a reason. Your desires are of God. They are meant for you. The need for outside approval will diminish when you fully trust that your purpose for being here is to live your wildest, happiest, most glorious dream. Your desires are your calling. Want a deeply fulfilling romantic partnership? That’s your calling. Want a seven-figure business? That is your calling. Want to make the NY Times Bestseller List? That’s your calling. Want to feel healthy and fit? That's your calling. Step into the vibration of your calling.
4. Make decisions from a peaceful place within you. Wait until you feel peaceful. Fear-based decisions lead to a long and arduous journey. But please know, you can always switch out of fear by using the 3 steps above: get clear, follow your intuition, trust your calling.
5. Establish clear boundaries and standards for yourself. Know what is acceptable to you. Know what matters most to you. Know who you are. Believe in your impossible dream. And then, holding firm to your boundaries and standards becomes easier and automatic.
(Note: You may have to increase your self-esteem so you value yourself enough to hold firm to your boundaries and standards.)
6. Bravely move forward. Waiting for perfect circumstances never works. Waiting for others to feel good about what you’re doing never works. Just get moving. If you trust your feelings and your intuitive hits, you will figure it out as you go. Taking consistent action can help you get clear about what you want. It can help you refine your desire. It can also help you uncover opportunities that you did not know were available to you.
7. Stop making excuses. Period. Affirm: I will do whatever it takes to get what I want. I will do whatever it takes to get what I want. I will do whatever it takes to get what I want. And note: “whatever it takes” is rarely as difficult or challenging as you initially think.
8. Release the past. Cut ties with the past. Clear the energetic hold the past has on you. Celebrate your future now. Affirm: The past no longer has power over me. It no longer exists. You can always use the past as a reference or information to help you decide what you want, but it is never an indicator of how your future will go. Living in the past, stops your growth.
9. Find your way into true happiness. It may be a journey but you are worth it. Be willing to make some hard decisions. Be willing to try a new way. Be willing to be embarrassed, at times. Be willing to upgrade your perspective. Be willing to suspend the need for instant gratification. Be willing to stick with it until you get it right. You are worth it. True happiness will be yours. Affirm: I allow myself to feel true happiness.
10. Decide to believe: I am worthy. I am deserving. I am valuable. God is the source of my supply. I am always supported by God. I am loved by God. I get to have everything I desire. I am more than enough. I am powerful. I am a good person. I get to do good in the world by following my dreams. *Sub-out "God" for a word that works for you.
Special note: Repeat affirmations over and over again, with a high energy, until they take hold in your consciousness. Everyone is different so be willing to use your intuition to guide you. You will feel your energy rise and that's your sign your affirmations are working.
Thank you.
Book an Intuitive Coaching Session for the weekend.
I am here for you this weekend.
If you would like to schedule a session for today or the weekend, respond to this email to set-up a time and submit payment either using your special link or you can submit payment here.
Your next level awaits. Explore if the Massive Result Intuitive Coaching Package is right for you.