First, I must say, Harvey’s wisdom is absolutely intoxicating. As my consciousness began to fully grasp the bigness of the concepts he teaches, I experienced my first big aaaha moment in some time. It was so good that I couldn’t even take complete notes, so here are the fragments I was able to scribble out during our two-hour post interview chat. I hope you will find some nuggets of wisdom in the puzzle pieces listed below.
I want to encourage you to visit his website: www.aaaha.com. I recommend any of his amazing e-books. (The 11th Commandment is my favorite!) Also, sign up for his newsletter to receive a dose of feel good energy every month.
-Harvey Cohen wrote The Consciousness Diet 25 years ago. It first appeared as a paperback that attracted the attention of many prominent spiritual teachers. At that time, he did not consider his work spiritual or esoteric.
- There is a simplicity of being that we make complicated. Getting in touch with our self-identity requires reason and a willingness to ask different questions.
-We are creatures of habit. The reality which we live in today is a collection of beliefs that we have picked up along the way without questioning them. For example- time. Time is simply a mental construct that we have accepted as truth.
-So start questioning to expand your awareness. Reasonably question. Open your mind to new ideas of experiencing life.
-God doesn’t create anything; God reveals. It is our concepts of what-is and what-isn’t that dictates our perception. It is our perception of our reality that causes us to “zero in” on a particular idea or thought (even if that thought does not serve our highest good).
-I asked Harvey about my concerns about meeting my financial obligations and he reminded me that, my rent is paid, just as much as it is not paid. Again, it is a matter of perception.
(During my conversation with Harvey, I realized that I had a habit of believing that my finances must “look” a certain way in order for me to feel safe. However, after shifting my perception to focus on the idea that “I am always safe” and “My bills are always paid”, I received several unexpected streams of income that resulted in my business having the best month ever. Despite this shift, my old habits of thinking and feeling temporarily returned leaving me feeling a sense of lack, even though my monthly balance sheet said otherwise. These thoughts and feelings caused several days of overspending, which ultimately led to me having financial difficulty at the start of this month. As I reeled with anxiety, I kept thinking: my rent was paid, until I started thinking it wasn’t. Aaaha! It really does start with me.)
-When we live out a reality from a consciousness of struggle, anything that is created out of that consciousness is struggle. It’s that simple. It is just as easy to struggle as it is to thrive! What is your consciousness “zeroing in” on?
-We are the center of our own Universe, so it is what we bring to the day, not day that dictates our experiences.
-So why do we continue to think or belief anything that is not for highest good? Habit. Habit is so seductive. However, we have the potential to break any habit.
-Entertain ideas that empower you. Even a one degree shift in consciousness will produce different results.
-Harvey does consultations with hospice patients. I asked Harvey about death and illness and his response was… "once we discover infinite essence, dying is just a perception."
-Start to consider the idea: “Everything enriches my life, no matter what I do.”
-We live in infinite possibility, from an infinite source. There is no space between us and God.
I hope you enjoyed my notes from my converstation with Harvey Cohen. He is a master and we are so blessed to have teachings. My prayer is that these nuggets of wisdom create even just a “one degree shift” in consciousness for you.
With joy,