Let's do a mid-year check-in with the Numerology of 2018:
This message was originally created for my 2018 Month-by-Month Intuitive Reading customers. I am amazed by its accuracy as it relates to my own life, so I'm sharing it with everyone now.
In Numerology, 2018 is a Universal Year of 2. It is an 11/2 year.
The 11 is a master number, so we are all being called to be masters of our intuition, feelings, relationships (both romantic and professional), and doing the behind scenes work to make our dreams come true in the future.
In 2018, you will to be called to balance giving and receiving. You will explore both self-reliance and being connected to others. You will bump up against your own boundaries and the boundaries of others.
This is a wonderful year to manifest love and build soulful alliances. Be very mindful of codependency; both the false power of "being needed" and "being needy."
This year, fill your life with lots of reminders that you are significant, lovable, and capable. Avoid energy vampires and boundary bullies. And don't be an energy vampire or boundary bully.
Nurture, take care of, and support yourself in all ways.
This year, it is your mission to get your needs met.
Make sure you know exactly what your needs are. Love yourself enough to prioritize your well-being above all.
This is a year to feel deeply, but do not judge your feelings.
Instead observe and reflect on what your feelings may be trying to teach or reveal to you.
Do the necessary work to heal your emotions, if needed.
Everyone will be a little more sensitive this year, so approach each experience with love, courage, kindness, compassion, and tenderness.
Be a gentle warrior in 2018. Schedule even more time for rest, relaxation, and play.
This message was originally created for my 2018 Month-by-Month Intuitive Reading customers. I am amazed by its accuracy as it relates to my own life, so I'm sharing it with everyone now.
In Numerology, 2018 is a Universal Year of 2. It is an 11/2 year.
The 11 is a master number, so we are all being called to be masters of our intuition, feelings, relationships (both romantic and professional), and doing the behind scenes work to make our dreams come true in the future.
In 2018, you will to be called to balance giving and receiving. You will explore both self-reliance and being connected to others. You will bump up against your own boundaries and the boundaries of others.
This is a wonderful year to manifest love and build soulful alliances. Be very mindful of codependency; both the false power of "being needed" and "being needy."
This year, fill your life with lots of reminders that you are significant, lovable, and capable. Avoid energy vampires and boundary bullies. And don't be an energy vampire or boundary bully.
Nurture, take care of, and support yourself in all ways.
This year, it is your mission to get your needs met.
Make sure you know exactly what your needs are. Love yourself enough to prioritize your well-being above all.
This is a year to feel deeply, but do not judge your feelings.
Instead observe and reflect on what your feelings may be trying to teach or reveal to you.
Do the necessary work to heal your emotions, if needed.
Everyone will be a little more sensitive this year, so approach each experience with love, courage, kindness, compassion, and tenderness.
Be a gentle warrior in 2018. Schedule even more time for rest, relaxation, and play.