In numerology, October is a 10/1 month. This will be an incredibly fun, high-energy month. October is the perfect time for new beginnings and starting something new.
The 10 represents rapid and magical manifestation. That means that this month, if you focus on your desire without funky expectations or getting so specific that you miss the blessing, you can create anything you want with ease and grace.
Recently, I was working on manifesting a bill being paid. I got really consumed on how that cash needed to show up. Energetically, my energy was tight and what my husband describes as "bully ram-ish" ('cause I'm an Aries).
As a result, I missed the blessing. The cash totally showed up at the Divine perfect time, but I was so focused on it showing up in a specific way that I missed it. All I had to do was focus on the bill getting paid, take inspired action and then be open and receptive to all things working out in Divine perfect timing. Instead, I was hyper-focused on the "how". Even after all these years of doing this work, I still get tripped up on trying to manipulate the "how" and "when".
This month, DON'T GET TRIPPED UP. It is not your business to know the "how" and "when" of your manifestations. That's the Universe's business. After my most recent experience, I am now convinced that in giving energy to the "how" and the "when" of your manifestations, you are actually creating an energetic BLOCK between you and your desire.
Keep your energy light this month. Sure get focused on the desire. I mean really focused. The energy of the 1 (1+0 = 1), loves focus.
However, simply focus on the desire or want. The 1 is high-energy, so use that boost of energy to take inspired action (do your work). Since we are still in a Mercury in Retrograde, this is a wonderful time to get started on the projects you've been "meaning to do".
You will have the opportunity to experience a great deal of success this month. Just go for it. Without delay. Because if you pause for even one moment to contemplate "if it is possible", you will miss your opportunity.
October is going to move rapidly. If you find yourself getting caught up in your head, that is your cue to move your body. Exercise. Go for walk. Take a day trip. Get out of your environment. Movement of any kind will bring you back to center quickly and easily. Also, know that because the energy of the 1 is fast-paced, you have the ability to get a lot done in a short period of time.
This month, you may be presented with an opportunity to take the lead. Do so and do so willingly, especially if you are working in partnership or in a group. The 1 energy encourages all of us to tap into our inner leader. Start with taking a leadership role in your own life and then let that energy filter out to the rest of your experiences. Lead with kindness, integrity, yet remain focused on the desired outcome.
A trait of the 1, is to be very independent, which is awesome. However, use this energy to move you forward, not get stuck in your own thinking.
Lastly, surround yourself with positive, motivated, supportive people. The energy of the 1 can cause you to really stumble if you are around a lot of low-vibrating energy. This month, harsh criticism, bad-mouthing or unthoughtful "nay-saying" is not your friend. That type of energy is too heavy for the 1 energy to break out of easily. For the 1, negativity will stall all forward progression.
Set the intention that every piece of advice or support that shows up for you this month is for your highest and greatest good and is relayed in a way that is energizing and motivating. Constructive criticism can be just the piece you need to complete your puzzle, so be open to receiving what you need most, in a way that you can easily accept (even if it challenges you).
Enjoy this lively & rewarding month.
*Back by Popular Demand (and since it's a 10/1 month)*
Are you passionate about manifestation and/or the Law of Attraction?
Would you love to become a masterful manifestor?
If so, I would love to mentor you in achieving your goals. I am offering a one-on-one 5-week program to mentor individuals in my community on how to become a successful manifestor. (This is not a group program). You will work privately with me an hour a week. The cost of the program is only $150.00 (breaks down to $30.00 a session).
In each session, I will guide you step-by-step as to how to manifest your desires with ease and grace. These are not intuitive coaching sessions even though I will naturally use my intuitive gifts throughout the process. (I am not offering this program formally, so you will not find a registration page for this service on my site.) If you are interested and incredibly committed to manifestation, then I would love to help you perfect your ability to consciously create and attract people, situations and experiences you want in your life.
Ready? Contact me or call 626-274-0682.
The 10 represents rapid and magical manifestation. That means that this month, if you focus on your desire without funky expectations or getting so specific that you miss the blessing, you can create anything you want with ease and grace.
Recently, I was working on manifesting a bill being paid. I got really consumed on how that cash needed to show up. Energetically, my energy was tight and what my husband describes as "bully ram-ish" ('cause I'm an Aries).
As a result, I missed the blessing. The cash totally showed up at the Divine perfect time, but I was so focused on it showing up in a specific way that I missed it. All I had to do was focus on the bill getting paid, take inspired action and then be open and receptive to all things working out in Divine perfect timing. Instead, I was hyper-focused on the "how". Even after all these years of doing this work, I still get tripped up on trying to manipulate the "how" and "when".
This month, DON'T GET TRIPPED UP. It is not your business to know the "how" and "when" of your manifestations. That's the Universe's business. After my most recent experience, I am now convinced that in giving energy to the "how" and the "when" of your manifestations, you are actually creating an energetic BLOCK between you and your desire.
Keep your energy light this month. Sure get focused on the desire. I mean really focused. The energy of the 1 (1+0 = 1), loves focus.
However, simply focus on the desire or want. The 1 is high-energy, so use that boost of energy to take inspired action (do your work). Since we are still in a Mercury in Retrograde, this is a wonderful time to get started on the projects you've been "meaning to do".
You will have the opportunity to experience a great deal of success this month. Just go for it. Without delay. Because if you pause for even one moment to contemplate "if it is possible", you will miss your opportunity.
October is going to move rapidly. If you find yourself getting caught up in your head, that is your cue to move your body. Exercise. Go for walk. Take a day trip. Get out of your environment. Movement of any kind will bring you back to center quickly and easily. Also, know that because the energy of the 1 is fast-paced, you have the ability to get a lot done in a short period of time.
This month, you may be presented with an opportunity to take the lead. Do so and do so willingly, especially if you are working in partnership or in a group. The 1 energy encourages all of us to tap into our inner leader. Start with taking a leadership role in your own life and then let that energy filter out to the rest of your experiences. Lead with kindness, integrity, yet remain focused on the desired outcome.
A trait of the 1, is to be very independent, which is awesome. However, use this energy to move you forward, not get stuck in your own thinking.
Lastly, surround yourself with positive, motivated, supportive people. The energy of the 1 can cause you to really stumble if you are around a lot of low-vibrating energy. This month, harsh criticism, bad-mouthing or unthoughtful "nay-saying" is not your friend. That type of energy is too heavy for the 1 energy to break out of easily. For the 1, negativity will stall all forward progression.
Set the intention that every piece of advice or support that shows up for you this month is for your highest and greatest good and is relayed in a way that is energizing and motivating. Constructive criticism can be just the piece you need to complete your puzzle, so be open to receiving what you need most, in a way that you can easily accept (even if it challenges you).
Enjoy this lively & rewarding month.
*Back by Popular Demand (and since it's a 10/1 month)*
Are you passionate about manifestation and/or the Law of Attraction?
Would you love to become a masterful manifestor?
If so, I would love to mentor you in achieving your goals. I am offering a one-on-one 5-week program to mentor individuals in my community on how to become a successful manifestor. (This is not a group program). You will work privately with me an hour a week. The cost of the program is only $150.00 (breaks down to $30.00 a session).
In each session, I will guide you step-by-step as to how to manifest your desires with ease and grace. These are not intuitive coaching sessions even though I will naturally use my intuitive gifts throughout the process. (I am not offering this program formally, so you will not find a registration page for this service on my site.) If you are interested and incredibly committed to manifestation, then I would love to help you perfect your ability to consciously create and attract people, situations and experiences you want in your life.
Ready? Contact me or call 626-274-0682.