I thought it would be helpful to re-visit the Numerology of 2016.
2016 is a Universal Year of 9.
The energy of the 9 represents:
Getting things done. Moving on. Charity and doing your part to make the world a better place. Allowing yourself to feel good about your life as you move forward. Embracing the magical, mystical and miraculous power of the Divine. Sharing your light and wisdom with all those around you.
2016 is a time of working smarter instead of harder and trusting all that you know to be true so you can leverage your abilities into bigger and greater opportunities.
This year, you are being called to serve in your own unique way.
This is a time for doing what you know to be right and following your intuition above all. In order to do this, you have to clear out the clutter in your life- both physical and emotional.
It's a time for letting go of the old and worn out ways of the past, so you can welcome in something better. So if you have found yourself saying: "I'm so done with this," then you are on the right track.
Now, once you reach the place of "being done", it is imperative that you take bold, effective action to make your desires a reality. This is not a time to just sit around and complain, you gotta do something differently.
In a Universal Year of 9, you are called to take inventory of your life. I want to encourage you to journal or reflect on these questions:
What is working well in my life?
What is not serving me well?
What do I need to let go of?
What or who do I need to forgive?
What do I need to pursue for my highest and greatest good?
How am I making the world a better place?
In a Universal Year of 9, you are called to be of service and make the world a better place. You can do this in whatever way you are inspired. Start with making your life better and then when you are feeling good, share your light with others. Bless the planet with your gifts.
Even though the year is half over, you still have time to harness the magical, mystical and miraculous power of this year. Take some time this weekend to go within and meditate on your life. Then make a sincere commitment to do these 5 things:
1. Let something go.
2. Forgive someone or something.
3. Create a plan to improve either your career, home, finances, physical/mental health or relationships. (Only choose one.)
4. Take action on your plan.
5. Be open to receiving and giving more. Be bigger, bolder and more amazing than ever before.
Through it all, be in appreciation for the life you have now and all that is to come.
Follow this guidance and you are guaranteed to experience a fantastic breakthrough between now and the end of the year.
Amy Tammen
Ready for your breakthrough?
I am here to serve you.
Book a session today.
2016 is a Universal Year of 9.
The energy of the 9 represents:
Getting things done. Moving on. Charity and doing your part to make the world a better place. Allowing yourself to feel good about your life as you move forward. Embracing the magical, mystical and miraculous power of the Divine. Sharing your light and wisdom with all those around you.
2016 is a time of working smarter instead of harder and trusting all that you know to be true so you can leverage your abilities into bigger and greater opportunities.
This year, you are being called to serve in your own unique way.
This is a time for doing what you know to be right and following your intuition above all. In order to do this, you have to clear out the clutter in your life- both physical and emotional.
It's a time for letting go of the old and worn out ways of the past, so you can welcome in something better. So if you have found yourself saying: "I'm so done with this," then you are on the right track.
Now, once you reach the place of "being done", it is imperative that you take bold, effective action to make your desires a reality. This is not a time to just sit around and complain, you gotta do something differently.
In a Universal Year of 9, you are called to take inventory of your life. I want to encourage you to journal or reflect on these questions:
What is working well in my life?
What is not serving me well?
What do I need to let go of?
What or who do I need to forgive?
What do I need to pursue for my highest and greatest good?
How am I making the world a better place?
In a Universal Year of 9, you are called to be of service and make the world a better place. You can do this in whatever way you are inspired. Start with making your life better and then when you are feeling good, share your light with others. Bless the planet with your gifts.
Even though the year is half over, you still have time to harness the magical, mystical and miraculous power of this year. Take some time this weekend to go within and meditate on your life. Then make a sincere commitment to do these 5 things:
1. Let something go.
2. Forgive someone or something.
3. Create a plan to improve either your career, home, finances, physical/mental health or relationships. (Only choose one.)
4. Take action on your plan.
5. Be open to receiving and giving more. Be bigger, bolder and more amazing than ever before.
Through it all, be in appreciation for the life you have now and all that is to come.
Follow this guidance and you are guaranteed to experience a fantastic breakthrough between now and the end of the year.
Amy Tammen
Ready for your breakthrough?
I am here to serve you.
Book a session today.