In numerology, June is a 6 month.
The energy of the 6 is highly magnetic. Meaning, you can easily draw to you the vibrational match of your dominate feeling space. In other words, this is a time to align your life with that which you desire most. Since most of us want to feel good, be sure you are focusing your attention on what makes you feel good (or on figuring out what makes you feel good).
This month you can re-calibrate your vibration by paying close attention to your thoughts, actions, words, habits, relationships and environments.
Here is my step-by-step guide to raising your vibration so you are attracting more good into your life in the month of June:
1. Give your home some attention. Redecorate. Clear the energy. Organize. Release clutter. Bring in some luxury and comfort. Your home is your center. Practice good feng shui. By loving up your home in whatever way you are inspired, you are raising your energetic frequency so you can attract more goodness into your life. I can help you clear and shift the energy of your home.
2. Give your relationships some attention. How's your partnership? How's your relationship with your family and friends? What could you do to improve these relationships? Trust your intuition and take action accordingly. Sometimes the first step to healing any relationship is forgiveness. The second step is courage. Be willing to override your ego and re-connect to those you love the most. It's never about them and always about how you feel (and the goal is to feel free to be and have who you really are). Raise your vibration, by clearing the lower, negative energy in all your relationships. I can help you heal your relationships.
3. Give your intuition the power to guide your "yes" and "no".If it feels good in your body.... do it. If it doesn't... don't. Super simple in theory. Challenging in practice. Just remind yourself that if you go against your truth-feelings it will probably not work out very well.
4. Give your career some attention. What is your soul's purpose right now? What do you really want your work life to look like? Feel? Be honest. Really honest. Trust your truth and then take action accordingly.
Be sure to look at the big, big career picture as well. See every job opportunity as leverage into something greater. While you may not understand what your greater is at this time, trust that Spirit will open all the doors accordingly. Be willing to walk through them. I can help you with your career planning so you are moving in the direction of your greatness.
5. Do NOT look for the problem. Be incredibly mindful of what you are focusing and giving your attention to this month. You're in control of the way you spend your time and use your energy. This is the gift of free will. As your intuitive coach, I'm strongly advising you to focus your full attention on all that is good in your life this month (and every month).
If you're struggling to control your mind chatter and resulting unhealthy habits, then book a session with me. In addition to a session, you can meditate, read self-help books, talk about stuff that makes you feel good, pray, eat clean, listen to good music and podcasts, go for a walk, take a nap, spend time in nature, laugh and play with your pets. Basically, do the stuff that really makes you feel good. Um, that's self-love, baby. Download A Journey to Self-Love.
6. Ask for what you need and TRUST that it is coming to you.Set your intentions for every moment of your month. Be specific. Command the "why" of every action you take... and know in your heart your desired outcome is always possible.
So in review, June is a magnetic month. You will draw to you the vibration of your dominant feeling space. (What a woo woo sentence, right?) There is no need to get caught up in the technical aspects of law of attraction and manifestation. Just focus your full heart on feeling GOOD this month and all will be well.
Keep your vibration high and you will attract high vibrating people and experiences to you. If you have a down day, don't stay there by criticizing yourself or others. Just let it go or flip every negative situation into a positive one. And spend more time using your energy in life-affirming, constructive, forward-moving ways.
Joyful June to you.
You can book a session here or by calling 626-274-0682. If you don't see an appointment time that works for you on my online scheduler, then give me a call for other options.
Want daily guidance to help you stay on your feel good path?Sign-up for a month of Seeker Circle. Each message is designed to help you keep your vibration high.
I'm still on podcasting hiatus. I'm letting my intuition guide my return date. I'll be back soon. You can listen to my over 300 archived shows here.
The energy of the 6 is highly magnetic. Meaning, you can easily draw to you the vibrational match of your dominate feeling space. In other words, this is a time to align your life with that which you desire most. Since most of us want to feel good, be sure you are focusing your attention on what makes you feel good (or on figuring out what makes you feel good).
This month you can re-calibrate your vibration by paying close attention to your thoughts, actions, words, habits, relationships and environments.
Here is my step-by-step guide to raising your vibration so you are attracting more good into your life in the month of June:
1. Give your home some attention. Redecorate. Clear the energy. Organize. Release clutter. Bring in some luxury and comfort. Your home is your center. Practice good feng shui. By loving up your home in whatever way you are inspired, you are raising your energetic frequency so you can attract more goodness into your life. I can help you clear and shift the energy of your home.
2. Give your relationships some attention. How's your partnership? How's your relationship with your family and friends? What could you do to improve these relationships? Trust your intuition and take action accordingly. Sometimes the first step to healing any relationship is forgiveness. The second step is courage. Be willing to override your ego and re-connect to those you love the most. It's never about them and always about how you feel (and the goal is to feel free to be and have who you really are). Raise your vibration, by clearing the lower, negative energy in all your relationships. I can help you heal your relationships.
3. Give your intuition the power to guide your "yes" and "no".If it feels good in your body.... do it. If it doesn't... don't. Super simple in theory. Challenging in practice. Just remind yourself that if you go against your truth-feelings it will probably not work out very well.
4. Give your career some attention. What is your soul's purpose right now? What do you really want your work life to look like? Feel? Be honest. Really honest. Trust your truth and then take action accordingly.
Be sure to look at the big, big career picture as well. See every job opportunity as leverage into something greater. While you may not understand what your greater is at this time, trust that Spirit will open all the doors accordingly. Be willing to walk through them. I can help you with your career planning so you are moving in the direction of your greatness.
5. Do NOT look for the problem. Be incredibly mindful of what you are focusing and giving your attention to this month. You're in control of the way you spend your time and use your energy. This is the gift of free will. As your intuitive coach, I'm strongly advising you to focus your full attention on all that is good in your life this month (and every month).
If you're struggling to control your mind chatter and resulting unhealthy habits, then book a session with me. In addition to a session, you can meditate, read self-help books, talk about stuff that makes you feel good, pray, eat clean, listen to good music and podcasts, go for a walk, take a nap, spend time in nature, laugh and play with your pets. Basically, do the stuff that really makes you feel good. Um, that's self-love, baby. Download A Journey to Self-Love.
6. Ask for what you need and TRUST that it is coming to you.Set your intentions for every moment of your month. Be specific. Command the "why" of every action you take... and know in your heart your desired outcome is always possible.
So in review, June is a magnetic month. You will draw to you the vibration of your dominant feeling space. (What a woo woo sentence, right?) There is no need to get caught up in the technical aspects of law of attraction and manifestation. Just focus your full heart on feeling GOOD this month and all will be well.
Keep your vibration high and you will attract high vibrating people and experiences to you. If you have a down day, don't stay there by criticizing yourself or others. Just let it go or flip every negative situation into a positive one. And spend more time using your energy in life-affirming, constructive, forward-moving ways.
Joyful June to you.
You can book a session here or by calling 626-274-0682. If you don't see an appointment time that works for you on my online scheduler, then give me a call for other options.
Want daily guidance to help you stay on your feel good path?Sign-up for a month of Seeker Circle. Each message is designed to help you keep your vibration high.
I'm still on podcasting hiatus. I'm letting my intuition guide my return date. I'll be back soon. You can listen to my over 300 archived shows here.