My last post was on disappointment and the importance of trying again. Even as I wrote the post, I felt like something was missing. If trying again was easy, we would all do it and the trauma of a disappointment would be minimal.
In truth, everyone has a different way of processing and moving past disappointment. Your numerology life path can be the key to understanding why the energy of disappointment lingers and how to overcome it and try again.
Here is some guidance for each Life Path:
To calculate your life path, add all the numbers in your full birthday and reduce it down to one digit. An example: Birthday is 07/13/1982, 7+1+3+1+9+8+2=31 (Then reduce down to one digit.) 3+1= 4. Life Path Number is 4.
1 Life Paths: While very self-motivated, your self-esteem is the key to overcoming a disappointment. If you are finding it difficult to move forward, do some self-work on improving your self-esteem and avoid anyone who negatively criticizes you. Then, you will be able to proceed with your naturally zealous drive.
2 Life Paths: You need to be connected to people. Your inability to move forward after experiencing disappointment is usually the result of feeling disconnected from people. In order to move past these feelings, you must practice an extremely high level of self-care so that you focus your attention inward and regain a sense of self. Massage, rest, eating well, relaxing and doing anything that makes you feel physically good will help you find the motivation to try again.
3 Life Paths: Communication is what you do best. When you experience disappointment, you either clam up or start communicating in unhealthy ways (gossiping, lying, arguing, etc.) To find the will to try again, seek out someone you trust, a therapist, an objective friend or family member or coach to talk through and interpret your experience of disappointment. Now, this is not a venting, you do that well already. You need to have an active dialogue in which you fully assess your feelings and experiences so you can move forward.
4 Life Paths: Order is a fundamental part of your existence. When you experience disappointment, you intellectualize it to create order in your mind. Unfortunately, this process can keep you stuck in your head and not taking steps to move forward. Analysis is a wonderful tool, but too much of it, which you naturally do, closes you off to possibilities that exist outside of your consciousness. When you experience a disappointment, take action immediately. Set the intention to try again and then just take the next logical step. Your success may be right in front of you. So don't think, just do.
5 Life Paths: You are the idealist and naturally have a vision for BIG achievement. You thrive in the excitement of possibility! You put your all into all that you do because you believe that everything will work out. For the most part, it does. But, when it doesn't, you feel as if something within you has died and depression sets in. Disappointment can be the toughest for you. So, to move past a disappointment, focus your attention on routine and practicality. Eat 3 meals a day, exercise daily, pay your bills on time, make 50 sales calls a week, write in your journal daily, get a 9 to 5 job... whatever it is, commit to routine, practical actions that are easy to accomplish. This will help you create the mental, emotional, physical and financial stability that is required for your next BIG idea to emerge.
6 Life Paths: You are the physical embodiment of personal responsibility. When you experience disappointment, you take it so personally that you grow callous and seek out someone to blame for the perceived failure. In truth, you are usually right in your perception of being wronged. If this is the case, then it is important for your well-being to hold others accountable (within reason) for their actions. Because you do most things so well, it is difficult for you to process the role you played in your disappointment. But understand this, the 6 is a very magnetic energy and, on some level, something in your energy field drew the circumstances of your disappointment to you. It is in your best interest to take some time to do some self-work (therapy, meditation, journaling, prayer, forgiveness, ritual, a psychic reading, coaching, etc.) to ensure that you do not continue to attract that energy into your life and then you will be able move forward.
(I struggled with this explanation, because the 6 life path is one of the more complex energies that I have encountered. So use your intuitive wisdom and take away what resonates with you.)
7 Life Paths: Your strength is your unique ability to integrate your intelligence with your intuition. However, when you experience disappointment, you mentally attack the situation like an emotional mad scientist, hypothesizing and theorizing why things didn't work out. You attempt to intellectualize your circumstances without going within to consult your intuition, which causes you even more emotional anguish. As a result, when you experience disappointment, you often feel victimized. To heal, turn to Spirit and rediscover your faith (in whatever form works for you). Surrendering your will (and intellect) to Spirit will not only save you a lot of grief, but it will give you the strength to try again.
8 Life Paths: You are the master of productivity. When you experience most disappointments, it is easy for you to charge ahead without having to process the experience. This is because you have come to accept that striving and struggling is a natural part of life. Success and failure are fundamental parts of your experience and you have learned to take them in stride. But, if a violation of your trust is a part of a disappointment, then you will not be able to move on easily. Serious forgiveness and self-work will have to be done before you can move on. Take the time to do the work, because the results will benefit you for years to come.
9 Life Paths: You are the most evolved and selfless of all the numbers. You are always considering the meaning behind the choices of your life as it relates to humanity and the impact it will have on the future. So, when you experience a disappointment, it is easy for you to move on, but it is difficult for you to fully let go of it. Because you are always searching for the meaning behind your disappointment, you never allow yourself to engage in the full range of emotions that comes with any defeat. While you are very empathic, you rarely prioritize your own feelings. In order to move on and let go, you must allow yourself to grieve, cry and get angry until you've purged the experience from your system. Only then can you really try again.
In truth, everyone has a different way of processing and moving past disappointment. Your numerology life path can be the key to understanding why the energy of disappointment lingers and how to overcome it and try again.
Here is some guidance for each Life Path:
To calculate your life path, add all the numbers in your full birthday and reduce it down to one digit. An example: Birthday is 07/13/1982, 7+1+3+1+9+8+2=31 (Then reduce down to one digit.) 3+1= 4. Life Path Number is 4.
1 Life Paths: While very self-motivated, your self-esteem is the key to overcoming a disappointment. If you are finding it difficult to move forward, do some self-work on improving your self-esteem and avoid anyone who negatively criticizes you. Then, you will be able to proceed with your naturally zealous drive.
2 Life Paths: You need to be connected to people. Your inability to move forward after experiencing disappointment is usually the result of feeling disconnected from people. In order to move past these feelings, you must practice an extremely high level of self-care so that you focus your attention inward and regain a sense of self. Massage, rest, eating well, relaxing and doing anything that makes you feel physically good will help you find the motivation to try again.
3 Life Paths: Communication is what you do best. When you experience disappointment, you either clam up or start communicating in unhealthy ways (gossiping, lying, arguing, etc.) To find the will to try again, seek out someone you trust, a therapist, an objective friend or family member or coach to talk through and interpret your experience of disappointment. Now, this is not a venting, you do that well already. You need to have an active dialogue in which you fully assess your feelings and experiences so you can move forward.
4 Life Paths: Order is a fundamental part of your existence. When you experience disappointment, you intellectualize it to create order in your mind. Unfortunately, this process can keep you stuck in your head and not taking steps to move forward. Analysis is a wonderful tool, but too much of it, which you naturally do, closes you off to possibilities that exist outside of your consciousness. When you experience a disappointment, take action immediately. Set the intention to try again and then just take the next logical step. Your success may be right in front of you. So don't think, just do.
5 Life Paths: You are the idealist and naturally have a vision for BIG achievement. You thrive in the excitement of possibility! You put your all into all that you do because you believe that everything will work out. For the most part, it does. But, when it doesn't, you feel as if something within you has died and depression sets in. Disappointment can be the toughest for you. So, to move past a disappointment, focus your attention on routine and practicality. Eat 3 meals a day, exercise daily, pay your bills on time, make 50 sales calls a week, write in your journal daily, get a 9 to 5 job... whatever it is, commit to routine, practical actions that are easy to accomplish. This will help you create the mental, emotional, physical and financial stability that is required for your next BIG idea to emerge.
6 Life Paths: You are the physical embodiment of personal responsibility. When you experience disappointment, you take it so personally that you grow callous and seek out someone to blame for the perceived failure. In truth, you are usually right in your perception of being wronged. If this is the case, then it is important for your well-being to hold others accountable (within reason) for their actions. Because you do most things so well, it is difficult for you to process the role you played in your disappointment. But understand this, the 6 is a very magnetic energy and, on some level, something in your energy field drew the circumstances of your disappointment to you. It is in your best interest to take some time to do some self-work (therapy, meditation, journaling, prayer, forgiveness, ritual, a psychic reading, coaching, etc.) to ensure that you do not continue to attract that energy into your life and then you will be able move forward.
(I struggled with this explanation, because the 6 life path is one of the more complex energies that I have encountered. So use your intuitive wisdom and take away what resonates with you.)
7 Life Paths: Your strength is your unique ability to integrate your intelligence with your intuition. However, when you experience disappointment, you mentally attack the situation like an emotional mad scientist, hypothesizing and theorizing why things didn't work out. You attempt to intellectualize your circumstances without going within to consult your intuition, which causes you even more emotional anguish. As a result, when you experience disappointment, you often feel victimized. To heal, turn to Spirit and rediscover your faith (in whatever form works for you). Surrendering your will (and intellect) to Spirit will not only save you a lot of grief, but it will give you the strength to try again.
8 Life Paths: You are the master of productivity. When you experience most disappointments, it is easy for you to charge ahead without having to process the experience. This is because you have come to accept that striving and struggling is a natural part of life. Success and failure are fundamental parts of your experience and you have learned to take them in stride. But, if a violation of your trust is a part of a disappointment, then you will not be able to move on easily. Serious forgiveness and self-work will have to be done before you can move on. Take the time to do the work, because the results will benefit you for years to come.
9 Life Paths: You are the most evolved and selfless of all the numbers. You are always considering the meaning behind the choices of your life as it relates to humanity and the impact it will have on the future. So, when you experience a disappointment, it is easy for you to move on, but it is difficult for you to fully let go of it. Because you are always searching for the meaning behind your disappointment, you never allow yourself to engage in the full range of emotions that comes with any defeat. While you are very empathic, you rarely prioritize your own feelings. In order to move on and let go, you must allow yourself to grieve, cry and get angry until you've purged the experience from your system. Only then can you really try again.