Do you enjoy or loathe making a decision?
I really don't like making decisions. It's the process of making a decision that really bums me out. The constant weighing and questioning.
What if I make a mistake? Will this choice lead me to where I want to be? What am I missing? How much is this choice going to cost me financially, physically and emotionally? What will others think of me?
It's an exhausting process, right? It's exhausting because we are looking at our life from the place of right or wrong. Even worse, we are looking at our choices as wrong or wronger. But, what if our perception is skewed and our reasoning flawed?
What if every choice is just an opportunity to learn more about ourselves, expand and grow closer to God? What if there isn't a wrong choice?
So, for today, I want you to consider the idea that you can't make a mistake. The danger, the stress, the fear is all in your mind. It's just another voice in the choir of your consciousness. No matter where your decisions lead you, you are safe and Spirit is Divinely guiding and caring for you.
I really don't like making decisions. It's the process of making a decision that really bums me out. The constant weighing and questioning.
What if I make a mistake? Will this choice lead me to where I want to be? What am I missing? How much is this choice going to cost me financially, physically and emotionally? What will others think of me?
It's an exhausting process, right? It's exhausting because we are looking at our life from the place of right or wrong. Even worse, we are looking at our choices as wrong or wronger. But, what if our perception is skewed and our reasoning flawed?
What if every choice is just an opportunity to learn more about ourselves, expand and grow closer to God? What if there isn't a wrong choice?
So, for today, I want you to consider the idea that you can't make a mistake. The danger, the stress, the fear is all in your mind. It's just another voice in the choir of your consciousness. No matter where your decisions lead you, you are safe and Spirit is Divinely guiding and caring for you.