Welcome to August.
In Numerology, this is an 8-month. What this means:
Money. Money. Money. This is the month for abundance and expanding your wealth. This is the time to explore better opportunities and improving your relationship with money and your personal finances.
Because the 8 is known as the "money number", this month the money angels will have your back and it is an excellent month to do any of the following:
-Earn or attract more money.
-Look for a new job or pursue a promotion.
-Sell or buy big ticket items (home, car, vacation, equipment, and luxury goods... etc).
-Start or improve your budgeting system.
-Expand your savings.
-Heal or resolve any unfinished money business.
-Collect on money owed to you.
-Start a side business.
-Discover and implement new ways to increase your sales in an existing business.
-Pay more attention to your money. (Where does it go? How does it come in? Who do you owe? How do you feel about money?)
-Go within and discover new ways to feel a greater sense of abundance.
Be good to your body. When the energy of the 8 shows up, it is imperative that you take good care of your body. Get good sleep. Drink lots water. Release stress. Eat more fruits, vegetables and healthful grains. Make time for movement, play and relaxation. Follow your self-care plan. If needed, seek out expert guidance to help you look and feel your best.
Be consistent and focused. An 8-month offers you a lightning bolt of energy so use it well. Channel all your energy in the direction of your actual goals and dreams. This month, distractions and self-sabotage will show up like a herd of charging buffalos and so it will be easy to fall into the trap of procrastination, confusion and overwhelm. Ask yourself over and over again: Will using my energy in this way lead me to what I really want? Is this the easiest (and shortest) path to what I want? Am I using my time, resources and energy for my highest and greatest good?
Keep communication simple. This is the month to be really, really direct in all forms of communication. The energy of the 8 loves it when you say what you really mean. Don't use emotional manipulation or passive aggression to get what you want. Skip the petty arguments and lengthy conversations. Listen to what others are really saying instead of what you want to hear. Say you're sorry when you need to. Say thank you when you need to. Ask for what you want when you need to. Practice kindness in your words and thoughts. Simple.
Have a fantastic month!
In Numerology, this is an 8-month. What this means:
Money. Money. Money. This is the month for abundance and expanding your wealth. This is the time to explore better opportunities and improving your relationship with money and your personal finances.
Because the 8 is known as the "money number", this month the money angels will have your back and it is an excellent month to do any of the following:
-Earn or attract more money.
-Look for a new job or pursue a promotion.
-Sell or buy big ticket items (home, car, vacation, equipment, and luxury goods... etc).
-Start or improve your budgeting system.
-Expand your savings.
-Heal or resolve any unfinished money business.
-Collect on money owed to you.
-Start a side business.
-Discover and implement new ways to increase your sales in an existing business.
-Pay more attention to your money. (Where does it go? How does it come in? Who do you owe? How do you feel about money?)
-Go within and discover new ways to feel a greater sense of abundance.
Be good to your body. When the energy of the 8 shows up, it is imperative that you take good care of your body. Get good sleep. Drink lots water. Release stress. Eat more fruits, vegetables and healthful grains. Make time for movement, play and relaxation. Follow your self-care plan. If needed, seek out expert guidance to help you look and feel your best.
Be consistent and focused. An 8-month offers you a lightning bolt of energy so use it well. Channel all your energy in the direction of your actual goals and dreams. This month, distractions and self-sabotage will show up like a herd of charging buffalos and so it will be easy to fall into the trap of procrastination, confusion and overwhelm. Ask yourself over and over again: Will using my energy in this way lead me to what I really want? Is this the easiest (and shortest) path to what I want? Am I using my time, resources and energy for my highest and greatest good?
Keep communication simple. This is the month to be really, really direct in all forms of communication. The energy of the 8 loves it when you say what you really mean. Don't use emotional manipulation or passive aggression to get what you want. Skip the petty arguments and lengthy conversations. Listen to what others are really saying instead of what you want to hear. Say you're sorry when you need to. Say thank you when you need to. Ask for what you want when you need to. Practice kindness in your words and thoughts. Simple.
Have a fantastic month!