I recently received this email from a client:
Hi Amy!!!
The last couple of nights I have experienced some really negative energy in my room. I don't know what it is and I was hoping maybe I could do a cleansing, it's been waking me up in the middle of the night. The first night I felt like someone was actually in my room. Hoping you might have some advice. This is the first time since living here that I have felt this energy. Anything you can recommend?
What I would recommend to clear your space:
1. Say a prayer or do a meditation. Ask your guardian angels or guides to remove any energy from your room that is not for your highest good or any energy that is heavy, overwhelming or uncomfortable. Ask your angels or guides to tell the energy in your room that you do not wish to be bothered and that this is your space and you will take good care of it.
2. Do a ritual. Open all the windows and burn some sage or a stick of Palo Santo. Move throughout the space with the burning sage or stick allowing the smoke to disperse. As you wave the smoke around your space, say "I clear this space of all lower energy. Only my good can remain." You do not need to do it for long. Just a few minutes will do the trick. You can buy sage at Whole Foods, a health food store or most metaphysical bookshops.
3. Use sea salt. You can also use a pinch of sea salt in each corner of your room to clear the space of lower energies. Say out loud or in your mind, "I clear this space in the name of the Holy Spirit." I prefer pink Himalayan Sea Salt, but any salt will do. You can buy a small amount of HSS in the bulk section at Whole Foods or Sprouts Market.
4. Call in the big dog. Ask Archangel Michael to protect and clear your space. Archangel Michael is the leader of the angels and he works to rid the earth of lower, toxic energies. All you have to do is call on him and he will be there to help you instantly. You may even want to get a picture of him and place it in your space as a symbol of his unyielding power over lower energy.
5. Four weeks to freedom. Do all of the above for the next four weeks to ensure that you've created an energetic "safe space" for yourself. Sometimes you will clear the energy once and then it will return when the space begins to feel familiar to the spirit again. It can also return when someone brings that energy back into your space. Keep your space clean, neat and free of clutter and make sure any items that do not belong to you are stored away in containers or in a closet. Most importantly, make your space as personally comfortable as possible.
Because we as a planet are becoming more increasingly sensitive to energy, your senses are more psychically aware than ever before.
So, not only do we have to keep our space neat, clean and clutter-free both physically and energetically to ensure that the home remains clear and harmonious, but we also have to make aesthetic changes that match our taste and no longer resembles the energy of the previous owners. I think this is where the phrase, “make it your own” is most relevant.
Lastly, we have also found that the lower energy will return when we have visitors (even good visitors), so we have to clean and ritually clear our space after having guests.
I hope this helps.
With joy,