Are you blocking your flow?
When you are in your flow, life just seems easier. You feel an underlying sense of joy, even when you are in the gust of a challenge.
Flow keeps your mind clear and focused on heavenly possibilities.
Flow is where your faith, trust, and belief connect with your day-to-day life.
Synchronicities are everywhere.
Your intuition is firing.
Life feels magical and purposeful.
The power of the Universe is on your side.
You love your life... even if it's not perfect.
Unfortunately, it can be difficult to sustain flow.
Here are some common ways you may be blocking your flow:
You get caught in the loop of limiting, negative, low-vibe beliefs. Limiting beliefs are sneaky in that you "think" they are truth.
Limiting beliefs will keep you stuck never truly moving forward. They drain your energy. They make you doubt yourself. They convince you that you can't have the life you want.
More importantly, limiting beliefs make it difficult to sustain flow. Your journey feels tedious, even as you take some action toward you dream.
Frequently stop and reflect on what beliefs may be keeping you from what you want.
You let the failures and disappointments of the past dictate your future. Living in the past is a lot like limiting beliefs in that it seems like truth. Your lower self thinks: I don't want to experience that pain again, so I will stay focused on it.
The problem is every time you focus on the past, you are reliving it in the present moment. And what you do in the present, determines your future. On some level, you will inevitably recreate the same trauma.
Self-forgiveness works wonders against the curse of living in the past. Apply forgiveness to your life like holy water.
You lose sight of your original vision. Your vision or intention is magical. It gets you up in the morning. It helps you make decisions. It keeps you pointed in the direction of where you want to go.
Forgetting your vision causes you to overwork, stress, worry, and doubt. You get caught up in mundane tasks and forget the big picture.
I suggest you write your vision down every day. Why are you doing what you're doing? What is the reason for a particular task or action?
You forget how amazing you are. Being in flow is a celebration of life... all parts of life. The good and the bad. The light and the dark.
When you focus too much energy on your flaws or how you compare to others, you are NOT celebrating who you are. You overlook all your skills, talents, knowledge, experience, successes, brilliant ideas, and good fortune.
Mentally "being mean" to yourself is dangerous. You don't value yourself. You ignore your worthiness. You sabotage yourself. And
worst of all, you never fully reach the height of your dream.
Celebrate yourself daily. Be kind and loving to yourself. Throw self-praise around like confetti.
We are human. Inevitably, we will fall out of flow.
I can help you develop a practice to stay in flow longer, and get back on track faster.
Book a service today:
Intuitive Card Reading
Single Intuitive Coaching Session
When you are in your flow, life just seems easier. You feel an underlying sense of joy, even when you are in the gust of a challenge.
Flow keeps your mind clear and focused on heavenly possibilities.
Flow is where your faith, trust, and belief connect with your day-to-day life.
Synchronicities are everywhere.
Your intuition is firing.
Life feels magical and purposeful.
The power of the Universe is on your side.
You love your life... even if it's not perfect.
Unfortunately, it can be difficult to sustain flow.
Here are some common ways you may be blocking your flow:
You get caught in the loop of limiting, negative, low-vibe beliefs. Limiting beliefs are sneaky in that you "think" they are truth.
Limiting beliefs will keep you stuck never truly moving forward. They drain your energy. They make you doubt yourself. They convince you that you can't have the life you want.
More importantly, limiting beliefs make it difficult to sustain flow. Your journey feels tedious, even as you take some action toward you dream.
Frequently stop and reflect on what beliefs may be keeping you from what you want.
You let the failures and disappointments of the past dictate your future. Living in the past is a lot like limiting beliefs in that it seems like truth. Your lower self thinks: I don't want to experience that pain again, so I will stay focused on it.
The problem is every time you focus on the past, you are reliving it in the present moment. And what you do in the present, determines your future. On some level, you will inevitably recreate the same trauma.
Self-forgiveness works wonders against the curse of living in the past. Apply forgiveness to your life like holy water.
You lose sight of your original vision. Your vision or intention is magical. It gets you up in the morning. It helps you make decisions. It keeps you pointed in the direction of where you want to go.
Forgetting your vision causes you to overwork, stress, worry, and doubt. You get caught up in mundane tasks and forget the big picture.
I suggest you write your vision down every day. Why are you doing what you're doing? What is the reason for a particular task or action?
You forget how amazing you are. Being in flow is a celebration of life... all parts of life. The good and the bad. The light and the dark.
When you focus too much energy on your flaws or how you compare to others, you are NOT celebrating who you are. You overlook all your skills, talents, knowledge, experience, successes, brilliant ideas, and good fortune.
Mentally "being mean" to yourself is dangerous. You don't value yourself. You ignore your worthiness. You sabotage yourself. And
worst of all, you never fully reach the height of your dream.
Celebrate yourself daily. Be kind and loving to yourself. Throw self-praise around like confetti.
We are human. Inevitably, we will fall out of flow.
I can help you develop a practice to stay in flow longer, and get back on track faster.
Book a service today:
Intuitive Card Reading
Single Intuitive Coaching Session