Sometimes when you are longing for something in your life ( money, a lasting relationship, opportunities, friends, love) you begin to focus more on the absence of that desire. In other words, you are only noticing the lack of what you want.
In order to create a transformation and welcome in the new, you have to be a vibrational match for what you desire. Unfortunately, focusing on the lack of what you want blocks your ability to receive it.
In order to get more of what you want, you have to open your heart wide and believe it is possible.
Here is an exercise to open your heart to all possibilities:
Take time everyday to notice all the abundance around you. Make a list of all the plentiful examples of what you really want and know in your heart that it is possible for you.
How this works:
If you want more love: start noticing and appreciating all the love around you. Praise every expression of love.
If you want a new gig: start noticing and appreciating the abundance of jobs available ( even if it is not a job you would take, be grateful that there are a host of employment opportunities in the world at this time)
If you want lasting, loving relationships: start noticing all the wonderful relationships around you ( even the couple kissing while you're waiting for the Bart train is an example of the abundance of relationships on this planet at this time)
If you want to get fit: notice all the people who are in really great shape, admire their effort and dedication
If you want to heal and be healthy: start noticing and appreciating all the healthy people you encounter and ask them how they achieved wellness
If you want a successful business: start noticing and appreciating all the successful businesses in the world
Just simply make a mental Post-It of everything you encounter that matches your desire.
This exercise will help you shift your mindset so that you can manifest more of what you really want.
There is really no lack. Only lack-filled thinking.
In order to create a transformation and welcome in the new, you have to be a vibrational match for what you desire. Unfortunately, focusing on the lack of what you want blocks your ability to receive it.
In order to get more of what you want, you have to open your heart wide and believe it is possible.
Here is an exercise to open your heart to all possibilities:
Take time everyday to notice all the abundance around you. Make a list of all the plentiful examples of what you really want and know in your heart that it is possible for you.
How this works:
If you want more love: start noticing and appreciating all the love around you. Praise every expression of love.
If you want a new gig: start noticing and appreciating the abundance of jobs available ( even if it is not a job you would take, be grateful that there are a host of employment opportunities in the world at this time)
If you want lasting, loving relationships: start noticing all the wonderful relationships around you ( even the couple kissing while you're waiting for the Bart train is an example of the abundance of relationships on this planet at this time)
If you want to get fit: notice all the people who are in really great shape, admire their effort and dedication
If you want to heal and be healthy: start noticing and appreciating all the healthy people you encounter and ask them how they achieved wellness
If you want a successful business: start noticing and appreciating all the successful businesses in the world
Just simply make a mental Post-It of everything you encounter that matches your desire.
This exercise will help you shift your mindset so that you can manifest more of what you really want.
There is really no lack. Only lack-filled thinking.