This week on my radio show, The Healing Clinic, my guest will be JP Jackson. JP is an Inter-Spiritual Minister, Strategic Life Coach and Professional Intuitive from Miami, Florida.
My 5 Questions for JP:
1. What was the "Aha!" moment that began your spiritual practice and business?
I was terminated from a Corporate position despite having done a wonderful job supporting them and adding to the company success. I was miserable any way. The benefits were nice, but the people were draining! I was doing Spiritual Work part-time and so this huge leap and push was really orchestrated by Spirit/Source/Love to really get me clear and for me to start living according to my own happiness and passion and really step into what came naturally to me. So the "Aha!" was really a pink slip and severance pay!
2. What do you do for people? What services do you provide?
I provide Intuitive Guidance and Spiritual Readings for clients looking to really work Soul-fully. I’m also very passionate about speaking and connecting with people which has led to more opportunities for providing Motivational and Spiritual Speaking Events and platforms that I’m really excited about. I overly-enjoy making people happy and creating a space for them to feel Self-Empowered and Passionate. I feel as though I make that connection not just in providing Intuitive Guidance, but on stage as well. Currently, I’m also working on a book and audio project.
3. What is your Spiritual and Wellness Practice?
Affirmative Prayer is HUGE with Me. I believe prayer and meditation are primaries for cultivating and building peace with self and with our environment. Laughter is also very healing and I do my best to create laughter in everything I do. Alone time, which can be found in prayer and meditation, is also essential. As intuitive and sensitive folks, alone times grants us the opportunity to reconnect with ourselves and our emotional and mental needs. So, Praying the Affirmative, Meditation, Laughter and Self-Care (alone time) is really my map to personal wellness.
4. What is your manifestation and/or spiritual healing trick that always works?
For me, in terms of manifesting, Praying the Affirmative ALWAYS works! This is because I’m a very contemplative person already. So, affirming and contemplating on universal truths and the Organizing principals of Love always seems to work for me in creating a space of receiving. This is one practice that works for me due to my nature. Folks consciously practicing the Laws of Attraction or Manifestation really have to be made aware of what resonates with them in terms of receiving information. Visualization works for visual people, affirmations work for auditory people etc. Primary to this, whatever modality we choose to use to get focused and clear on receiving, we have to remember that the art of Manifesting has more to do with State of Being than it does with the state of wanting. In essence, jumping from 0-60 never really seems to work. We have to begin to cultivate our state of Being. This is done by gratitude and joy and love. Then, whatever modality or practice we use to get focused really works out well.
5. Any predictions or guidance for Spring?
Talk about Grace! We’ve had such huge years of major transformation, I really feel that this year and, more specifically, this season is a time of Grace and Balance. Everywhere we don’t feel balanced will really come to the forefront for our addressing and/or redefining. We are currently being called to really readjust and let go of what is creating imbalances and this takes compassion and a level of empathy. No more rushing in and reacting to life impulsively. No more being too eager to release...Which leads to the next theme of Grace. The Universe or Spirit will always do what it is set out to do in its own timing. So, as we make adjustments and release imbalances, we really have an opportunity right now to experience Love/God/Spirit/Universe’s Grace. The idea here is letting go of the need to resist what pops up in our lives that isn’t in Balance, letting go of the need to “fix” everything in our lives that isn’t in Balance. It’s about walking with Spirit in partnership to address and redefine whatever pops up, one thing at a time, in Love’s timing and really listening to ourselves inwardly to make whatever adjustment that needs to be made harmoniously. The energy and calling was really radical for some time. I feel as though this season and this year, the energy is really settling and becoming more relaxed. Making relaxed changes is the result.
To get connected with JP and his Intuitive Services, check out
Visit JP on his Facebook page or listen to his next radio program
My 5 Questions for JP:
1. What was the "Aha!" moment that began your spiritual practice and business?
I was terminated from a Corporate position despite having done a wonderful job supporting them and adding to the company success. I was miserable any way. The benefits were nice, but the people were draining! I was doing Spiritual Work part-time and so this huge leap and push was really orchestrated by Spirit/Source/Love to really get me clear and for me to start living according to my own happiness and passion and really step into what came naturally to me. So the "Aha!" was really a pink slip and severance pay!
2. What do you do for people? What services do you provide?
I provide Intuitive Guidance and Spiritual Readings for clients looking to really work Soul-fully. I’m also very passionate about speaking and connecting with people which has led to more opportunities for providing Motivational and Spiritual Speaking Events and platforms that I’m really excited about. I overly-enjoy making people happy and creating a space for them to feel Self-Empowered and Passionate. I feel as though I make that connection not just in providing Intuitive Guidance, but on stage as well. Currently, I’m also working on a book and audio project.
3. What is your Spiritual and Wellness Practice?
Affirmative Prayer is HUGE with Me. I believe prayer and meditation are primaries for cultivating and building peace with self and with our environment. Laughter is also very healing and I do my best to create laughter in everything I do. Alone time, which can be found in prayer and meditation, is also essential. As intuitive and sensitive folks, alone times grants us the opportunity to reconnect with ourselves and our emotional and mental needs. So, Praying the Affirmative, Meditation, Laughter and Self-Care (alone time) is really my map to personal wellness.
4. What is your manifestation and/or spiritual healing trick that always works?
For me, in terms of manifesting, Praying the Affirmative ALWAYS works! This is because I’m a very contemplative person already. So, affirming and contemplating on universal truths and the Organizing principals of Love always seems to work for me in creating a space of receiving. This is one practice that works for me due to my nature. Folks consciously practicing the Laws of Attraction or Manifestation really have to be made aware of what resonates with them in terms of receiving information. Visualization works for visual people, affirmations work for auditory people etc. Primary to this, whatever modality we choose to use to get focused and clear on receiving, we have to remember that the art of Manifesting has more to do with State of Being than it does with the state of wanting. In essence, jumping from 0-60 never really seems to work. We have to begin to cultivate our state of Being. This is done by gratitude and joy and love. Then, whatever modality or practice we use to get focused really works out well.
5. Any predictions or guidance for Spring?
Talk about Grace! We’ve had such huge years of major transformation, I really feel that this year and, more specifically, this season is a time of Grace and Balance. Everywhere we don’t feel balanced will really come to the forefront for our addressing and/or redefining. We are currently being called to really readjust and let go of what is creating imbalances and this takes compassion and a level of empathy. No more rushing in and reacting to life impulsively. No more being too eager to release...Which leads to the next theme of Grace. The Universe or Spirit will always do what it is set out to do in its own timing. So, as we make adjustments and release imbalances, we really have an opportunity right now to experience Love/God/Spirit/Universe’s Grace. The idea here is letting go of the need to resist what pops up in our lives that isn’t in Balance, letting go of the need to “fix” everything in our lives that isn’t in Balance. It’s about walking with Spirit in partnership to address and redefine whatever pops up, one thing at a time, in Love’s timing and really listening to ourselves inwardly to make whatever adjustment that needs to be made harmoniously. The energy and calling was really radical for some time. I feel as though this season and this year, the energy is really settling and becoming more relaxed. Making relaxed changes is the result.
To get connected with JP and his Intuitive Services, check out
Visit JP on his Facebook page or listen to his next radio program