At the end of December 2012, my guest on my radio show, The Healing Clinic, was Nancy Arruda. It was a fabulous, enlightening conversation. To check out the replay use the player below.
Nancy Arruda is The Universal Sky. A highly gifted intuitive and an astrologer who has the ability to understand the 'big picture' of the Soul as well as the ‘details’ of day to day life.
Nancy has the ability to tap into the understanding and flow of energy, allowing her to discover the 'path of least resistance'. As she shares these concepts with others on a personal level, she inspires and guides them to align with their own individual energetic current to find their own path of least resistance within their lives.
As one understands the journey of their Soul, they have the power to tap into their life force energy of creation and attune to the life that they desire to live within their body, mind and heart; encompassing their total being.
Nancy's love of knowledge has given her the ability to share and apply Universal Laws with others in a one-on-one format or within a group. She strongly believes in the power of free will and choice, which aligns with the concept of ‘creating your own reality’.
Nancy lives her passion and her truth, and is constantly inspired by the dynamics of the Universe and it's interaction with the inhabitants on Earth!
Nancy believes that we are spiritual beings evolving through a journey we call life in the physical body. Our mind and our feelings are tools that are given to us. When we use those tools appropriately we can create and live the life we desire within our mind and heart. This then creates the power of oneness and wholeness within each individual.
5 Questions for Nancy Arruda
1. What was the ah-moment that began your spiritual practice and business?
There were a series of what I call awakening experiences, where I noticed that synchronicity and serendipity were at work. The more I started to notice that deep feeling within my being that had been there all my life, a feeling that there was more to life then just living it in a mundane nine to five kind of way. That was when I knew, I needed to change what I was doing. That was when I did change what I was doing, and began authenticating myself by listening to the voice within. The more I listened the clearer the messages and the ability to trust in my own intuitive process.
2. What do you do for people? What is the service you offer?
I assist individuals by guiding them to their hearts desire. Some people may call me a coach, but I prefer the term guide. I guide individuals through intuitive consultations and guided meditation journeys that are ultimately healing, inspiring and illuminating. I guide people through their evolutionary process, on their spiritual path by assisting them with understanding their higher wisdom and their energetic path of least resistance to their hearts desire.
3. What keeps you blissful, grounded and well? (What is your spiritual and wellness practice?)
The one thing to remember with everybody who operates the spiritual business is that they too are human. As much as I desire a constant state of blissfulness, that is not necessarily something that is practical in our mundane reality. Living in a blissful reality is exactly the opposite of being grounded. A blissful consciousness pulls you into higher states of being, and when you are truly in a state of bliss there is no connection to the earth. Therefore, I operate on a day-to-day through a grounded philosophy. I remember that I am in this lifetime to be human, human being who operates consciously from their heart. When I am operating in my spiritual business, I am fully aligned and empowered at the heart center.
Meditation allows me to maintain a higher frequency within myself and an overall sense of wellness. In meditation, I can reach the states of blissfulness and bring back vibrational pieces of it.
Based on the vibrational frequencies of bliss that I have attained, I beg to challenge anyone who states that they can hold that high, euphoric vibration of bliss within their being and operate as a grounded human being while interacting with society within North America.
4. What is your manifesting "trick" that always works?
Huge desire, faith, then letting go and following the cues!
5. Any predictions or guidance for 2013?
I don't predict, so, just BE! Authentically YOU, shift your consciousness from your head to your heart! Listen to the universal cues, and follow your path to least resistance!
For more information on Nancy, visit www.universalsky.com.
Nancy Arruda is The Universal Sky. A highly gifted intuitive and an astrologer who has the ability to understand the 'big picture' of the Soul as well as the ‘details’ of day to day life.
Nancy has the ability to tap into the understanding and flow of energy, allowing her to discover the 'path of least resistance'. As she shares these concepts with others on a personal level, she inspires and guides them to align with their own individual energetic current to find their own path of least resistance within their lives.
As one understands the journey of their Soul, they have the power to tap into their life force energy of creation and attune to the life that they desire to live within their body, mind and heart; encompassing their total being.
Nancy's love of knowledge has given her the ability to share and apply Universal Laws with others in a one-on-one format or within a group. She strongly believes in the power of free will and choice, which aligns with the concept of ‘creating your own reality’.
Nancy lives her passion and her truth, and is constantly inspired by the dynamics of the Universe and it's interaction with the inhabitants on Earth!
Nancy believes that we are spiritual beings evolving through a journey we call life in the physical body. Our mind and our feelings are tools that are given to us. When we use those tools appropriately we can create and live the life we desire within our mind and heart. This then creates the power of oneness and wholeness within each individual.
5 Questions for Nancy Arruda
1. What was the ah-moment that began your spiritual practice and business?
There were a series of what I call awakening experiences, where I noticed that synchronicity and serendipity were at work. The more I started to notice that deep feeling within my being that had been there all my life, a feeling that there was more to life then just living it in a mundane nine to five kind of way. That was when I knew, I needed to change what I was doing. That was when I did change what I was doing, and began authenticating myself by listening to the voice within. The more I listened the clearer the messages and the ability to trust in my own intuitive process.
2. What do you do for people? What is the service you offer?
I assist individuals by guiding them to their hearts desire. Some people may call me a coach, but I prefer the term guide. I guide individuals through intuitive consultations and guided meditation journeys that are ultimately healing, inspiring and illuminating. I guide people through their evolutionary process, on their spiritual path by assisting them with understanding their higher wisdom and their energetic path of least resistance to their hearts desire.
3. What keeps you blissful, grounded and well? (What is your spiritual and wellness practice?)
The one thing to remember with everybody who operates the spiritual business is that they too are human. As much as I desire a constant state of blissfulness, that is not necessarily something that is practical in our mundane reality. Living in a blissful reality is exactly the opposite of being grounded. A blissful consciousness pulls you into higher states of being, and when you are truly in a state of bliss there is no connection to the earth. Therefore, I operate on a day-to-day through a grounded philosophy. I remember that I am in this lifetime to be human, human being who operates consciously from their heart. When I am operating in my spiritual business, I am fully aligned and empowered at the heart center.
Meditation allows me to maintain a higher frequency within myself and an overall sense of wellness. In meditation, I can reach the states of blissfulness and bring back vibrational pieces of it.
Based on the vibrational frequencies of bliss that I have attained, I beg to challenge anyone who states that they can hold that high, euphoric vibration of bliss within their being and operate as a grounded human being while interacting with society within North America.
4. What is your manifesting "trick" that always works?
Huge desire, faith, then letting go and following the cues!
5. Any predictions or guidance for 2013?
I don't predict, so, just BE! Authentically YOU, shift your consciousness from your head to your heart! Listen to the universal cues, and follow your path to least resistance!
For more information on Nancy, visit www.universalsky.com.
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